Any student whose mother/grandmother/sibling/aunt/cousin graduated from John W. Hallahan will be offered a scholarship of $1,500 (per year) to honor their commitment to a Catholic education, and to further recognize the respected connection among all Archdiocesan high schools.


  • Good academics in 8th grade, as well as no problems with absenteeism or discipline, and financial need verified by a complete FACTS application.
  • Scholarship Application should include along with student’s name, the name/s of Hallahan graduates related to student, giving relationship/name/year graduated. Student is to write her honest thoughts of what she hopes to gain from her Catholic education. Essay should be no longer than one page, 1” margins, double-spaced.
  • A final determination for the scholarship will be based on the student’s end-of-year report card.
  • Parents will need to sign a statement indicating that acceptance of the scholarship is subject to renewal at the end of each semester, and that the Alumnae Association has their permission to review their daughter’s report card at the end of each quarter.
  • The Alumnae Association will be reviewing each student’s report card at the end of every quarter. The scholarship will be renewable at the end of each semester. Thus, the Alumnae Association will be awarding half of the scholarship amount at the beginning of each semester.
  • Please be aware that the date will change for the 2025 application.  Check this website for updates.

APPLICATION: Click here to View or Print. (Right-click to download).

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